Why don’t you join me in my unique and intimate LEL class that will begin in just a few weeks? A new Season 4 – True Self-Education highlights and works through Charlotte Mason’s book, Ourselves, Book 1 and is now open for registration. It’s the perfect time to meet as everyone is beginning a fresh school year and the support and community these classes afford can help you make a strong, consistent, and fruitful start to this new season.
One could argue that the best years of homeschooling with CM are these upper years – 7th through 12 grade! We will explore Mason’s pivotal book for teens, Ourselves. Learn why it is so important and gain the confidence to experience it with your students. You will see how this book can change you, too, as well as even younger students. The nuts and bolts as well as the truth and beauty of the upper years will be discussed – from writing transcripts to discussions in the humanities. I will share about our teen community, TBG Teens, as well as present an immersion lesson. This is so much more than just a book discussion!
We use a private, members-only website and discussion board to avoid all the problems of Facebook. Living Education Lessons have been going strong for over five years now, helping mothers see and experience the fullness of a Mason education. You can read more about these classes here, including lots of testimonies at the bottom of the page. To register, click here. Let me know if you have any questions and don’t delay as classes are limited to 25 attendees (and there’s only a handful of spots left!). See the graphic above for more details.
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