“An unwalled university all dedicate to plain living and high thinking.” Lake Windermere in the distance with St. Mary’s on the right
Our trip to England is over and we are home. I learned and experienced so much in those 10 days. Now on to concerts, banquets, graduations, and a wedding. I have a few newsy things to let all of you know about first. And then soon I hope to share some very cool stories from our visit to England which was all abuzz about the upcoming royal wedding! But writing my stories has hit a snag. You see, my older phone did an automatic update as soon as I arrived home, erasing all my pictures and videos. Yes, we went through every possible route to recover them, including rooting the phone. Nothing. When I called Verizon, they said it happens. ?!?! Unfortunately, I thought I had an sd card in the phone (I didn’t). The family pics that were on there were the biggest loss. Thankfully, dh, dd, and friends have shared the pics they took. But I was using the pics I took as a journal and springboard for my writing. Lesson learned – don’t store your photos on your phone.
Deadline for Immersion Lessons Sign-Up!
The CMI East Conference at Roanoke College is coming up soon! The deadline to register is June 1st. I will be presenting a multi-age homeschool immersion day and would love to see you there, but seats are limited. I’ve been doing these for many years and I love mixing things up and sharing about how the methods work out in our homeschool. Plus, the relationships that I’ve formed over the years with some of the attendees – priceless. You can read more here and register here.

Marcia and I at the Armitt in Ambleside. We are looking at Mason’s copy of The Cloud of Witness and the newly reprinted copy which we found all cozy-like next to each other on the shelf of Charlotte’s books! Note the picture of Charlotte in the background.
The Cloud of Witness Readers
After years of hearing beautiful testimonies and seeing lovely photos all about The Cloud of Witness, I have decided to start a new fb group and ig account (thecloudofwitnessreaders) for those who want to share. Sometimes I receive emails with questions about the authors quoted or the church calendar and other things. The fb page is nice but rather a dead end for those wanting discussion, so I think a group will serve us better. Marcia Mattern will be helping out, too, and we will herald each new week and highlight saints’ and feast days mentioned in The Cloud. So ask your questions, share your pictures (#thecloudreaders, #thecloudofwitness), and tell others how you’ve been encouraged by The Cloud!

Dh and I all set to tour London in the drizzle!
Teaching from peace,
I am so sorry about the photos. 🙁 I feel a lump in my throat just thinking about it. I lost one of my children’s baby pictures if that makes you feel any better. Ha. Not really. 🙁 I absolutely love the photo here and I will be checking into your cloud groups soon! Blessing on all your summer family things, sounds wonderful and busy.
OH my word, Nancy. That is absolutely tragic. I am not being melodramatic, either. You have observed how many photos I snap, I know. I don’t know what I would do. Yikes!!