“Correct me if I am wrong,” he said, “but am I right in supposing that it is a very Blusterous day outside?” – The House at Pooh Corner
So right now, it’s -4 degrees F outside but feels like -24 degrees F with the windchill. I’m not kidding – I just checked the Weather Channel. Clearly, this was a good day to make –
Old cookbooks based on children’s literature are something everyone here loves to read and use. The Pooh Cookbook is just one example. I have the 1969 version by Virginia H. Ellison, but I did see that an updated version is available. (I prefer my old one which can be procured for only a few dollars!)
Today we made Honey Hot Chocolate for a Very Blusterous Day Outside. It can be found under the section “Smackerels, Elevenses, and Teas”.
My favorite cup
1/3 cup water
4 Tablesppons unsweetened cocoa
2 pinches salt
Stir and simmer for 2 minutes until smooth.
2 Tablespoons honey
3 cups milk
When it is very hot and before it boils, remove from the heat and serve.
Simple yet special! I will share more from my cookbooks later. Do you have some favorite cookbooks of this literary sort? Please leave a comment and tell me which ones!
Honey Hot Chocolate sounds wonderful- even if it is 75 degrees here in Feb (I love California 😉
We have that same book, and suprisingly have not cooked from it yet!
I tried a few recipes out our Laura Ingalls Wilder cookbook. We had fun making butter this summer with some fresh milk from Penner's dairy.
I am going to have to check out Tasha Tudor's cook book now too!
Cute mug! Thanks for sharing!
Bobby Jo
Oh Nancy,
May we come over too? It sounds wonderful! How is it that I home schooled through the wonder years with out Tasha Tudor's cook book? I'm ordering it right away. Oh ,we had our snow days too… fort building, stuffed animal parties and playing store. There were usually choc-chip cookies or brownies baking while we slow cooked a beef stew all day. Wonderful memories!
Thank you for sharing yours and for stopping by Diorama Diva and leaving a nice note for us!
Happy Creative Homeschooling,
looks like yummy hot cocoa! Got to have it on these cold days.
Oh, most blusterous here. Pooh would cheer (and so would chocolate 🙂
I LOVE the cup too! It's easy to see why it's a favorite!
Books – That is a wonderful thing, having a Heidi dinner! Thank you for sharing that!
Bonnie – Yes! We have the Tudor cookbook,too!
It's not exactly a cookbook, but Heidi by Spyri contains such lovely descriptions of the food Heidi and her Grandfather eat, and the foods are so simple as to not need a recipe, many evenings when my husband is working late and I want simple, we have a Heidi dinner.
We had a blusterous summer day today, and much cooler temperatures than just a few days ago, when I went out to buy extra fans for a hot muggy night!
The Pooh book looks so lovely! It might even be cool enough to try the honey hot cocoa tonight 🙂
It certainly was a blusterous day in MN! Burrr!! Thanks for sharing the Honey Hot Cocoa recipe, we might have to try that tomorrow.
Tasha Tudor's Cookbook ! Potato Soup and her cornbread ( cut the sugar) are a staple in our house, esp. when all the boys lived at home.
THAT is bone chilling cold. I'm not sure we would be equipped for that kind of lows, even though my husband grew up in Colorado and my childhood was Long Island, NY! Keep so warm……..do a blog on tips in the cold!
Love the cup!
I just used my last dollars for the week to procure this book. It is altogether charming. I had the Laura Ingalls Wilder cookbook a few years ago, but I don't remember the recipes being very good, at least by modern standards.
Thank you so much for the lovely book tips. I love seeing the favorite books on the shelves of others!