Prayer is the key to open the day,
and the bolt to shut in the night.”
– Jeremy Taylor (from the title page)
At the 2018 Living Education retreat last weekend, I shared about a new publishing project that met a very enthusiastic response! The story was told during my talk on Parentcraft: Courage Edition and here’s how it went. (More about the LER to come, including some free audios to nurture your soul, understand the Charlotte Mason philosophy, and encourage you on this journey!)
About 8 months ago I was digging through the Charlotte Mason Digital Archives. Often in the Parents’ Reviews, we find book reviews. In the 1912 PR I see a review for a book called The Golden Key by Lilian Street. The review states that this is a book intended for children founded on the model of The Cloud of Witness. Wait – what?!? There’s a Cloud of Witness for children??? So I keep reading and it states, “Daily readings in prose and verse adapted to the seasons of the Christian year. The extracts come under such headings as watchfulness, humility, fear, gratitude, etc. Some of these are beautiful and some are touching in their simplicity.”
I am always asked for recommendations for children’s devotionals. The Cloud of Witness is very much for adults and maybe high schoolers. What a great resource something like this could be for parents who wish to give their children the same sort of readings as The Cloud!
I look it up online and literally, there is only ONE copy and it’s over in England. I have nothing to lose, so I order it. About a month later, it arrives. I am sure I am not the only one who occasionally cries over book mail. Well, I sure did. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
It was the same small size as The Cloud with over 400 pages, same format, fewer entries, bigger font, and more stories. Every day begins with Scripture and every week has a theme. It includes poetry from Longfellow, Rossetti, and Tennyson, story selections from Parables from Nature and Water Babies and much, much more.
Isn’t that exciting? I am working on getting it republished through Riverbend Press. I have written a new forward, added a special color print of Raphael’s St. George and the Dragon, and am working on a beautiful spine and cover design that will look at home next to The Cloud of Witness and The Great Recognition books. (Purchase The Golden Key here!) Here is part of the new forward:
Whether you are a student wanting daily readings in the right ‘key’ or an adult who wants to return to the golden thoughts of childhood, The Golden Key is full of ideas that point us all to the Truth and remind us that Christ is always nearby, our help, companion, and savior, in whatever age or place we find ourselves.
Be of good courage,
Hello Nancy,
Do you know of approximately when this may be available?
Thank you!
Hi, Crystal!
I know that The Cloud of Witness is back in print and will be up on the RBP website any day now. I do not have a date for the Golden Key but will let you know here when I find out.
Oh this sounds amazing!’ What ages do you think this is best for?
I’d say that if they are reading on their own, 8 and up. If you were reading it aloud, maybe 6.
Can L order Golden Key here in Canada. I would love to have s copy!!
Hello, Gloria!
You would need to contact Riverbend Press at They are very busy but will eventually get back to you about cost, etc. I hope you get a copy soon – it is delightful!
I have to add to the comments asking when this and ‘Cloud’ will be available. I would love to get the books for myself and my children as Christmas presents…….. 😉
Hi, Sara!
Well, I hate to promise anything, but within the next 2 weeks it should be available! If there are no further delays, that is! I will announce it here, there, and everywhere!
Hi! I looked at the website and it says they are sold out! Have I missed the buy?
Hello, Theresa! No, you have not missed out. The Cloud of Witness is in another printing and will be available again soon. The Golden Key is still at the printer’s and it should also be ready by the end of September. I will be sure to make an announcement. Thank you for your interest!
Do you know what day this will be available?
Hello, Kim! Lord willing, it will be ready sometime in September. Thank you for asking! I will make sure to announce it here, on FB, and IG!
So excited for this! Thank you!
Oh I have been searching for something like this for my daughters for so long! My husband surprised with my own copy of Cloud of Witness last Christmas & it brought me to tears! This book is so powerful, I am beyond excited that my daughters can have something similar just for them!!
I am already gifting my Form III kids their own copies of Riverbend’s lovely edition of Ourselves for the beginning of our new school year. I think this might have to be part of our new year celebration too! I’m so excited to see it in person. I read The Cloud faithfully, so I know they will love to have a companion volume.
That is a treasure! I am looking forward to the republication. My son is now 11 and I’d love to give him his own devotional book to use and read. Thank you for finding these gems for us.
Ooooh! I am SO excited about this! Thank you!
This is exciting!
That’s wonderful! I will be watching for it!
Ok I actually got chills reading this—I have recently been thinking about this idea while reading my own book and who knew something already existed!! I cannot wait!!! You are such a blessing to this community! Thank you!
This sounds wonderful! I wonder if you folk in the USA realise how blessed you are in having so much available to you. We’ve just had restrictions place on us here in Australia so that now we can’t order from Amazon US & Bookdepository is making us pay 10% more on books. Just having a whinge & turning a slight shade of green…
Great that you’ve taken the initiative to republish this, Nancy!
How wonderful! Will the Cloud of Witness be back in print by then too (it’s currently sold out on Riverbend Press’s website)?
Yes, Eleanor, they should both be ready for purchase at the same time in August!
Looking forward to using a copy with my kids and Sunday school class.
Squee!!!!! Can’t wait until it’s available, my friend. And Raphael’s St. George and the Dragon?? Cinches my desire to see this in real life.
WHAT?! How wonderful, Nancy! Thank you for making it available to all of us!
Wow! That’s exciting. Can’t wait until it’s available. 🙂
What???? You just made my day! The Cloud is part of my every morning. My family each do our devotional in the morning and then share a nugget with one another. My 11 and 14 both have been through quite a few to try to find a good one. I can not wait – I’m sure this will be it!! ❤️
We do that, too! I hope it will help students in their walk with God.
Oh Nancy, I am thrilled with this news!! What a wonderful “back to school” gift for my children!!
I know! My 14 and 16 year old children both wanted to know if they will be using it!