Prayer does not equip us for greater works—prayer is the greater work.
–Oswald Chambers
For a few years I have thought about doing a talk on the importance of prayer in our lives and how this fits into a living education as I have felt it is a somewhat neglected topic. This past year God has shown me so much about prayer and the lifeline that it is, so I presented this rather personal talk to begin the 2024 Living Education Retreat. I hope and pray that it blesses all those who listen with tender and open hearts.*
Did you know that Charlotte Mason talks about prayer in each of her six volumes? Her words on this subject are some of the most precious to me and have truly strengthened my walk with God and sustained me though 30 years of homeschooling. Instead of glossing over her writing on this seemingly familiar subject, let’s take a fresh look at what she says about this “speech of the soul” and how she prioritized prayer throughout her life, exhorted parents to be faithful practicing it, and urged us to teach children as the foundation of their spiritual life.
(*The audio is slightly funky at the start but it clears up quickly!)
Your thoughts?