Father, we give all praise and glory to you!
You are righteous and mighty, covering us with protection and love! We are so grateful to have a heavenly Father who bends low to hear our every need. We pray Lord that you fill each of these moms with your Holy Spirit as they seek you as they plan for our new community year, all centered in You. Be with all of us as we plan for this, as well as our own individual schedules for the coming year. Let us be ever cognizant of the one main ingredient
that all we plan gives glory to you.
Let our children marvel in all that You have created;
let their lips praise you, let their minds ponder your intricate imagination, imagination which you have bestowed on each of your children
so that we may be at your feet! We need You in ALL that we do, in all that we say, in all that we think. Let us seek you first before we plan anything so that we feel your guidance and blessing.
Thank you, Father, for all of these moms and students, they are all such a blessing. Just as you perfectly knit together a child in the womb of a mother, you have knit this group together. Each mother and child bring to this group a special piece and quality of You. You shine brightly in each one. Father, bless this community as we offer another year to you!
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