We are also stepping outside of normal and learning this CCM song by Jars of Clay. They adapt her words slightly. The kids memorized it instantly, of course. I want you to hear the catchy music, but I think the video is a bit dippy. Pink giraffe-like unicorns? Really? The weightiness and beauty of the verse seems mismatched with the visual. What do you think?
“Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14
Admiration, Hope and Love,
Did you all hear the 10 commandments bit at the end of the song? Turns out that is from the song "Children, Go Where I Send Thee". (HT to Heidi for that bit of info!)
the video certainly was interesting…provoked some thoughts… if i were to seriously think about it, i'd have several problems with it though.
i see what you mean about pairing the two… i had to concentrate on listening, because the visuals were kind of… well, distracting.
the words SO Christ centered. Love incarnate.
yes. i love that LOVE came down at Christmas!
VERY good choice 🙂
Have to confess I could not watch this video. The music was even a bit too dippy for me as well. However the words are lovely. I love that you get so into poet biographies. I get that way to when we are studying an artist or poet or musician. Which Rossetti bio do you recommend?
@ Kristin – And I love that you really like it! But I'm fine with avoiding flying tacos with our next hymn study!
I LOVE the video. The weightiness and beauty of the words balances perfectly with the visual. My favorite is the flying taco 🙂 Somehow the song is more real, more memorable, has more impact with the video.
@ Elizabeth – okay, if you put it in the folk art category, I could enjoy it!
Well, as I was playing this lovely song our white cat came in and started purring. I rather like it too : D As a fan of Folk Art I love the video too!
We are also finding books from Rossetti and reading her poems this term. They are so nice. The ones I loved most on the AO anthology seasonal poems always ended up being those with her name by them! I have books on my wish list, but am tackling the library for now.