This past week, LittleJack, Porfiry and I spent five days in Boiling Springs, NC at the Charlotte Mason Education Conference (ChildLight USA Conference). I could describe the event as a L’abri conference where you focus specifically on education. It’s an annual event that I look forward to for many reasons. Inspiration is a major reason that I attend. Listening to experts on the philosophy we adhere to in our school tends to inspire me, and I really like being inspired – don’t you? The discussions around meals are often as stimulating as the lectures so I end up spending much time in the cafeteria.
I presented three talks this year, so things were a bit more rushed for me. No matter, as I glean so much from my audience and that always makes it such a wonderful learning experience for me, too. That may seem backwards to you, but I don’t think so. I plan on writing a few posts over the next few weeks with thoughts generated from my time there. I hope to have posts from LittleJack about the Teen Conference and Porfiry about his P.E. talk, too.
Another reason I look forward to this event is to see friends – old and new. Kindred spirits in the truest sense of the word – from the race that knows Joseph. Here are a few snapshots for you to enjoy.
Discussions at Mealtimes
Jen the Science Czar
Laurie “Slow is the New Fast” and I
Naomi of SoCal
Sandy of Canada
Bonnie B. and me
I too was sad not to visit with you this year. Being there only for one day was certainly an adjustment but I enjoyed the hug!
How fun!
SO jealous! It isn't right, but I AM! The two events I most want to attend!! Your conference in MN and the Childlight USA! Oh, someday I say. But I will let the Lord fill my soul with all the wonderful posts!
I'm very much looking forward to them!! 🙂
amy in peru
Miss you already!
I loved eating, talking with you …and meeting your family. ( Part of the Kelly family!) Rich nourishment~
I loved your reference to kindred spirits. That was lovely. Looking forward to reading the entire Anne series. One of the best parts of the conference was meeting and spending time with kindred spirits, those who know Joseph.
Looking forward to reading your upcoming posts.
Wow. You are famous now! Remember me from way back when!
Sounds like a good time. You are so humble too. That's a key to the doors God is opening in your life. Simply pouring into your family, with taste and excellence…then God pouring His blessing on it so you can inspire others. Bravo!
Wonderful…just yesterday I was wondering when I will hear from you, I thought you were busy with the conference, so I was right 🙂
I'm glad you'll be posting about it, it will SURELY be a great inspiration…thanks,