Are you looking for a way to grow in your understanding and implementation of the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education? I have a new group mentoring opportunity for you! I will be starting my class rotation over with Living Education Lessons, Season 1 starting on October 25th. Read what Staci has to say about LEL:
“LEL is an opportunity to allow other women to come alongside you in your efforts toward implementing the CM philosophy in your homeschool and your life. It is an opportunity to be challenged (in a good way) and to dig deeper. I am grateful to Nancy for putting these lessons together and for making it possible for us to study and learn together– even across great distances!”
Whether you are just curious, beginning your journey, or a veteran of the philosophy and method, you will find so much in this class to think about and apply. Let me share with you my 27 years of experience (6 graduates from my CM homeschool and hundreds of students at co-ops, conferences, and online) studying and practicing the method. The reading for this class is under 10 pages from Volume 6 per week – very doable.
I will be leading a Season 1 class beginning on October 25th, 2022. The class is limited to 25 students, so don’t delay. Meeting dates are on Tuesdays, October 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and December 6. (Just think of all the holiday book recommendations!) We will meet on Zoom from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. central.
Season 1 is titled “Heart-service to God” and will focus on who Charlotte Mason was, central ideas in her philosophy, teaching Bible and why humility matters. I have been group mentoring with LEL for over 7 years now.
For those who have taken an LEL class before, I am now offering a discount. Just enter the promo code LELGraduateDiscount on the Paypal order form to save $25.00 on the cost of tuition.
Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you there!
Your thoughts?