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A spring picture – Rabbit and Young Ones by Noel Hopking |
Sage Parnassus blog has begun its third year! I thought it might be time for a giveaway. I have been pruning my shelves, as I am wont to do about once a year. I have some book goodness that I would like to pass along to one fortuitous individual. How to win? Many ways. But first, here are the five books. (And just in case you were wondering, these are doubles…or maybe triples…of books I already own!)
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Rosemary for Remebrance by Tasha Tudor. Used, no writing in it ! I mention this book here and here. |
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In Review – Living Books Past and Present. A 42-page booklet with fantastic living book recommendations on a sea-faring theme. No longer available. Like new. |
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Plutarch – Ten Famous Lives, edited by Robinson. Excellent for Plutarch retellings (read – teacher prep!). Like new w/dj, ex-lib. I would frame the dj art! |
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Daniel Boone by James Daugherty. Hardcover, ex-lib, used. |
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At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald. A family favorite. Truly. |
For each requirement met, that’s how often your name goes in the hat. You must leave me a comment at the end of this post that tells me which requirements you fulfilled. And maybe say something nice, too. Nice is always good. Is there something you wish I would write about here at Sage Parnassus? I welcome your suggestions. If you do #4 or #5, please leave linkage to your blog! Technically, you could be entered 8 times. (Make sure I can contact you to verify – leave an email if necessary.)
1. Follow my blog by clicking on the “Join this site” button in the right sidebar.
2. Like Sage Parnassus on facebook by clicking on the “Like” button on the “Find us on Facebook” widget in the right sidebar.
3. Post a comment with a link to my Consulting page on your personal facebook status update.
4. Paste the Sage Parnassus blog button on your blog. (This is worth 2 entries!)
5. Mention my new consulting venture in a blog post, linking to this page – Consulting. (This is worth 2 entries!) (Feel free to use any of the images from this post.)
6. Sign-up and verify for email delivery in the right sidebar.
There! That should give readers with or without a blog a good chance. The giveaway will stay open for 2 weeks with the deadline 12:00 a.m. on March 20th. The winning name will be drawn on the first day of spring – March 20th! I will announce the winner in a new blog post and will mail said winner the books wrapped in crinkly paper with a wax seal. My only regret is that I can’t give you these books in person and tell you why each item is worthwhile! Thanks, winsome readers. Spread the word, will you please?
From joy to joy,
Hey Nancy! I did 1, 2, 3 and 6! I always enjoy your blog and had the pleasure of attending some of your talks at last year's Childlight USA Conference. Happy to spread the word about your consulting as I'm sure it's wonderful! I'm bummed to miss this year's Conference due to a family wedding but particularly sad to miss your multi-ages homeschooling session!
Dear Callie,
Thanks for entering – I've put your name in the hat 4 times. You will be missed at the conference, but a family wedding is something altogether wonderful!
From joy to joy,
Dear mustanggirl83,
I have entered your name in the drawing 3 times. Thanks for playing along!
From joy to joy,
Sounds like a fun giveaway! I did #1, #2, and #6. Thanks!
mustanggirl83 at mobiletel.com
Dear rsnickel,
I've entered your name into the drawing!
What a great giveaway! I signed up for the emails. Thank You.
Hi Nancy,
I already receive your updates and have liked you on FB. I became a member today. I so appreciate everything you write and love when you pass along favorite book titles. Hope to see you and your sweet family at the Childlight conference again this year!
Heather Moret
Baton Rouge, LA
Dear Heather,
And I hope to see you, too! It will be here before we know it! I have entered your name 3 times.
From joy to joy,
I did #6. Thanks!
Dear mjocarlson,
You're welcome! I've entered your name one time.
From joy to joy,
I signed up to receive emails. Thank you for this great giveaway.
You're very welcome! I entered your name in the hat.
Dearest Nancy, I have done ALL THE THINGS. 🙂 My blog post is here: http://sunflowerhouse.blogspot.com/2012/03/nancy-kelly-charlotte-mason-and.html and you will see your button too. I already "liked" Sage Parnassus on FB, I already get emails when you have a new post, and I joined with the Google button. I posted status on FB too about your new consulting adventure.
These are such lovely books – hard to believe you want to give them away! I am very much looking forward to seeing you at the CLUSA conference in a couple of months. Thank you for your lovely blog. I love to read it and always learn from you.
(I apologize if this is a duplicate comment. I thought I posted one yesterday but didn't see it.)
Dear Beth,
Indeed, you have done all the things! I have entered your name in the hat 8 times. I don't think it's a duplicate, this is the only comment from you that I can see. Hmmm.
Thank you for such supportive words and I look forward to seeing you at the CLUSA conference, too!
From joy to joy,
Hello! I am originally from Butterfield, MN (my parents are Joel & Bernice Penner and Charissa is my cousin). I now live in Charlotte, NC. I have been flirting with the Charlotte Mason Method curriculum for a little while but, recently, dove headfirst into it and I am very excited. My oldest son, Grant (3.5 yrs old), has Fragile X Syndrome. While he has a severe cognitive disability, I have watched him thrive through books and the CM way of learning. Grant attends a special needs preschool part time (and I firmly feel that is best for him because it is critical – more so than a "neuro-typical child – that he learn to function in social settings without me and take instruction from others), but I plan to homeschool the days he is home with me and through the summer months. My younger son, Wesley (2 yrs old), will blossom under the CM Method of education. {You can learn more about Grant and our family's journey with Fragile X Syndrome at http://www.akmayes.com}
I have followed your blog, "liked" Sage Parnassus on Facebook, and posted a comment on Facebook with a link to your consulting page. 🙂
Nice to "meet" you! I hope to get a chance to talk with you in person the next time I am in Minnesota.
~ Karen Mayes
Dear Karen,
First of all, I love the name of your blog – Red Letter Living. It has been so nice to get to know Charissa (her smile is infectious, I think!). I had never heard of Fragile X before I met her. I understand that you have a special situation which takes extra care, so keeping the thought that each child is a person made in His image should be both a comfort and a guiding principle for you.
It would be wonderful to meet you up here someday! Funny, but I will be in Charlotte a few times this year. First, for the CLUSA conference (which I highly recommend – I will be speaking there and so will Tammy Glaser who will be speaking and helping with the CM and Special needs sessions) and later for my son's wedding!
I will enter your name 3 times in the hat.
From joy to joy,
Hi Nancy~ Just wanted to tell you thank you so much for sharing and encouraging! I love your home on the web and visit here often. I am delving into reading and slowy adding more of Charlotte Mason to our days. Such welcome refreshment! I don't have FB, but I did put your button on my blog, I mentioned and added a link to your consulting page in my next blog post (will be published Monday),and subscribed to receive your posts via email to our family email address. Thank you so much!
Dear Tina,
I am so glad to hear that you are implementing bits and pieces AND that it is bringing refreshment to you and yours. Your blog is a refreshing place to visit, also. Here's the link in case anyone else wants to take a peek – http://thisrockpilelife.blogspot.com/
I will watch for your post and enter your name in the hat 5 times.
P.S. – can't wait to meet you and your dh IRL this summer!
Nancy, thank you for sharing all that you have learned! I am always so encouraged after the monthly meetings, and am so glad to be able to be reading through CM's books with a group of other people! Thank you Thank you 🙂
I have fulfilled 1,2,3,4,and 5. my email is camacinnis@yahoo.com
You are too sweet! I have enjoyed getting to know you, too. And I admit, I'm so glad to be able to read through her works with others, also.
I have entered your name in the hat 7 times!!
From joy to joy,
I believe I have stumbled across a gem in your blog! Delightful! I am now a follower of your blog, and I "liked" the Facebook page. Looking forward to reading more!
Dear Danielle,
Thank you! I have entered your name 2 times. Hope you are enjoying the warmish weather as we are!
From joy to joy,
Wow, Nancy! Whether or not I win the books listed, I will be seeking a few of those out for use with my girls in the next few years. I did enter using #1 (sort of… had to update my dashboard after being hacked), 2, 3, and 6.
Dear bluej,
I have entered your name in the hat 4 times. It's nice to "meet" you here, bluej! (Cute moniker!)
From joy to joy,
Hello Nancy,
I am new to homeschooling blogs and I find them interesting and rewarding to read. I came across your blog by reading another blog. I love all the information and books you post. I have 2 children but I do not homeschool :-(. I have subscribed to your email alerts, liked you on fb and joined your blog. I try to give my children a little extra knowledge and I have found blogs like yours very useful. Thank you.
That is awesome that you seek out books and opportunities to enrich your children's education. I'm glad you've found something here to use!
I have added your name to the hat 3 times.
From joy to joy,
I subscribed to your emails, liked your blog on Facebook, and joined your blog on Google. I don't have a blog to put your button or mention your consulting service yet because I'm spending every spare moment helping organize our state homeschool convention.
This is our first year homeschooling and I am continually being drawn back to Charlotte Mason no matter what other 'method' I read about. I really love it and am trying to absorb and learn all I can – and put it into practice. I don't have any of these wonderful books and would love them….particularly the Tasha Tudor book. She has been my favorite children's book author since I was 8 years old and I have tried to collect her books (my favorite is 'A Time to Keep') but I don't have this book.
Your site is the one I go to the most for motivation, ideas, and encouragement. Thank you so much for what you do!
Dear Gina,
Oh, my, a STATE homeschool convention is a HUGE undertaking. I pray that you are filled with the peace that passes all understanding! I can see how that would take up some time!
I understand your comment about "being drawn back to CM" as its freshness and life has kept me terrifically interested for almost 2 decades.
Thank you for the kind words, too. I will enter your name 3 times.
From joy to joy,
I did a few of these. Got a blog ( beat my one on the wedding!) to link back to this. Can't figure out how to put that button on my blog. Need my Emma ~~ will do soon. Went to FB and of course: LIKED this. Who wouldn't!!?? AND you made me work BUT I did read the very last lines of Psalm 90 late this afternoon: establish the work of our hands upon us ~~ which I just did! I'm pretty sure I did #1 a long time ago too. Now to get your emails…………which I do anyways. Phew. Thank YOU!
Dear Bonnie,
I've just come back from reading Psalm 90 because you referred to it! Thank you for that.
I will put your name in the hat 4 times. If you figure out the blog button, let me know and I'll add 2 more!
Thank you for being such an inspiration! My children wrote a paragraph on who their hero was and when they asked me who mine was, your name popped into my head! So thank you. I have completed #2,3,5,& 6. I am not on Twitter to complete #1 and I am unsure how to post your button on my blog, but I do have you listed under My Blog List. My sporadic blog is amblesidegreen.blogspot.com and my email is bonadea@comcast.net.
Shannon P.
Thank you again for answering my Shakespeare questions last year.
Dear Shannon,
How is Shakespeare going for your family? Do let me know. I will enter your name 5 times. If you figure out the blog button, just let me know and I'll put 2 more in for you!
Your blog and motto are lovely. Here it is so others can see, too!
What a wonderful giveaway, Nancy! I agree with the ladies above who said how you always offer us (who are a few years behind you on our journeys) a quiet peaceful nudge in the right direction instead of the frantic "more and more" that many homeschool blog offer. Thanks for your ever encouraging words and all the lovely book recommendations.
I have completed 1-6! You keep us hopping 🙂
Dear Bobby Jo,
And nothing is more heart-warming than witnessing you and Josh raising the boys in this way of life! I'll just link to your blog here so others can watch, too!
8 times into the hat, my dear!
From joy to joy,
Hi Nancy,
I already follow your blog, but just did #2. Thank you for sharing your wit and wisdom at SP. You have made my Amazon account all the more active, my friend! We are currently reading The Life of St. Patrick, which you recommended quite some time ago. Finally bought it and it is a gem. Have you received Pebble in a Pool yet?
Dear Robyn,
(Just typing your name gives me hope for the coming spring!) I have entered you in the drawing 2 times.
YES! I am almost done with Pebble in a Pool. I can't wait to "talk" about it here. Thank you for recommending it to me – I do love it.
From joy to joy,
Oh Nancy,
What a nice giveaway. I don't have facebook : ( but I have added your button, wrote a blog post about the giveaway and consulting, I already follow you and subsribe to emails. O.K. Silvia, you're still in the lead friend : D
Dear Jenny,
I count 6 entries for you, my friend! Someday, we will meet face to face. I enjoy watching your journey, too. (And here's a link for others to see – http://gracenchaos.blogspot.com/2012/03/ah-lovely-book-giveaway.html
From joy to joy,
I did #2, #3 and #6. Love your site. Thanks for all you share.
Dear -The Food Fanatic,
I have entered your name in the hat 3 times. Thanks for playing along and best wishes.
From joy to joy,
Okay…..think I've completed all the tasks. 🙂 Some I'd already "done" prior to this giveaway, like "Like" your page on Facebook, so maybe that won't gain me an entry into the hat. If so, Yay! Always enjoy your blog posts, Nancy. If you ever make it to Sioux Falls, would love to have coffee and chat all things books!
P.S. I've been participating in the CM Book group with Melissa and Co. Keeps me honest about tackling CM's books!
Dear Dani,
You lead the way with the most entries! I'm putting your name in the hat 8 times.
So glad you are part of the Sioux Falls discussion group! Say hello to Melissa for me – she's a dear. Any chance you can come to the LER this year with the Sioux Falls gals? You know, I give away lots of books there, too…
Your blog is very nice. Here's a link for others to see:
From joy to joy,
I already subscribe to your blog, but have done so just in the last month or so, so I am a very new reader. I liked you on my husband's Facebook, as I don't have an account. I am a young mother starting down the CM road, and your book recommendations have been so helpful. I just ordered God So Loved the World by Elizabeth Goudge upon your recommendation. Thank you!! Julie in St. Louis
I entered your name in the hat twice! I hope you enjoy God So Loved the World. Will you savor it alone or with the family?
If you get a chance, please leave your email or send it to me privately so I have your contact info.
From joy to joy,
I'm not on Facebook, so I can't do many of the options. I am already signed up for the email entries, and I also follow you on my blog reader. I know that only counts for 1 entry, but that's okay. I love the choices of the books — some of my favorites, but not in my library yet!
Thank you for your entries! Your blog is lovely, too, and I will add two more as you posted the blog button there. (http://familyfeastandferia.wordpress.com/)
I will put your name in 4 times.
From joy to joy,
There, http://www.educandoenelhogar.blogspot.com/2012/03/gentle-companion.html, that completes 7 chances to win, and a joyous time fulfilling these requirements to share about your new consulting endeavor, and to talk to others about a dear friend.
My FB, http://www.facebook.com/#!/SilviaMoralesCachia
And I subscribed by email, although I have SP cozily tucked in my google reader.
Silvia dear,
I knew you'd recognize the value of these books! Thank you, friend. You certainly are leading the "most entries" category if there was one! I hope people hop on over to your blog from your link – it's a treasure trove!
I am putting your name in the hat 7 times!
Nancy, I have done numbers 1, 2, and 6. I've only relatively recently found your blog. It's such a breath of fresh air. I had given up reading homeschooling blogs as they all seem to make me feel frantic to do more, more, more and to do it quickly. As if I were always behind. Reading your blog (I always hear it in a soft, soothing voice) usually makes me think, "Yes, that's what we are doing and it is just lovely." And the new ideas you present don't make me feel behind or "less than," but seem to naturally incorporate themselves into our lives. Thank you.
I like your comment that the new ideas "naturally incorporate themselves into our lives" – it truly is a lifestyle, isn't it?
I see that I can contact you through fb and will add your name to the hat 3 times.
From joy to joy,
Nancy, I have done # 1-3. How generous of you to have this giveaway! I so enjoy your blog. One of your blogs that stands out for us is when you mentioned the Marco Polo book…we found it at the local library and my 13yo son still talks about it! (We read it last year.) I wish there were CM retreats on the Western half of the U.S. We are in TX now, but I haven't heard of any retreats other than the Living Retreat in MN and the CM conference on the east coast. Blessings to you!
Dear Lori,
I know what you're saying about the Marco Polo book! I read it to my daughter about 5 years ago and she STILL can remember things from it. Did you know that we have a few attendees from Texas? I'd love to meet you someday.
I have entered your name in the hat 3 times.
From joy to joy,
I have done 1-3…and since I do not have a blog..I guess I'm outa luck on the remaining! I have valued your wisdoms for 3 years now and honestly…it has often been the last remaining hope when I feel I am not "right on" as I strive to be. Thank you for the time you give to all of us in the way of blogging and encouragements. (now that was "nice" wasn't it?! 🙂 )
Heather K
Dear Heather,
Thanks so much! I have entered your name the hat 2 times. Let me know if you iron out #3.
So glad you're coming to the LER again!
From joy to joy,
I've done numbers 1-3. I've enjoyed reading your blog for a long time now and have found it such a helpful resource. I'm so glad you're getting into the consulting business! I'll remember that for when we get 'stuck' in the future.
Thanks, Sarah! You have 3 entries in the hat.
From joy to joy,
I clicked the link to follow your blog [#1] (although I think I've been doing that for the last year or so), have liked you on facebook [#2] and posted your link for consulting [#3] on my facebook status.
Yours is one of my favorite blogs to read. I always get wonderful book recommendations and have been inspired to add living journals into our schooling/life. Beginning to keep a commonplace journal for myself has enriched my own reading so much! Thanks for inspiring those of us who are a few years behind you on the journey. 🙂
Dear Rachel,
It is fun to hear how others are learning and growing! However, I can't verify your entries as I don't see any contact information. I hope you come back and leave your email so I can verify your entries and add your name 3 times to the hat!
(You many privately email me with your contact information if you would prefer – kellynk at msn dot com .)
From joy to joy,
Nancy, I sent you a private email and think I fixed the problem. I also completed #6 as well.
Dear Rachel,
Everything looks good – I'll put your name in the hat 4 times! Thanks for the note, too.