This year for Advent I want to recommend a book specifically for you, mother. Because you understand that a bit of quiet time can bring such peace in your home, which in turn helps us make space for God in our lives, I think you will enjoy this recommendation. The book is called Wounded in Spirit – Advent Art and Meditations and it is beautiful. Here are some words from the introduction:
Wounded in Spirit is a book unlike most others that one might read during the season of Advent. There is joy in it, but there is also sorrow. For those who know loss, holidays can be a time of memory, tears, and prayer. There are joy-filled moments, to be sure, but they do not always come easily. Wounded in Spirit returns us to where Christian art began. In our wounds, we may once again encounter “God with us.”
Each meditation focuses on one artist and a painting or two; it is picture study for the mother (fathers, too). And none of the pictures are the usual Advent or Christmas choices. If you’ve done picture study for a while, surely you know how it can strengthen your faith. Literary references abound, as do theological thinkers and Scripture references throughout the pages. You can read and view a good sampling of the book here.
Wounded in Spirit is indeed “a book unlike most others that one might read during the season of Advent”. Some may find the daily reading of the brilliant yet tragic lives of these artists, well, depressing. For this reason it may be good to pair this book with other readings.
So this Advent, which begins on Sunday December 2nd, consider taking it slowly and waiting for the Light. Wounded in Spirit can help with that.
Teaching from peace,
For even more book recommendations, here are all my posts about Advent and Christmas books:
Simple and Holy: Six Favorite Advent Resources
Christmas Books by Tasha Tudor
Hi Nancy,
I just wanted to thank you for posting about this beautiful Advent book. My family lost my 18 year old nephew in May of this year an that was preceded by a few very rough years in my immediate family’s life. To say the least, Christmas feels very different this year. This book has been a balm. The artwork touches your heart and mind and the meditations are heartfelt but don’t sugarcoat. It has been a blessing. Hope you have a blessed Advent and wonderful Christmas season! Thank you for all that you do and share with us in the CM community.
Dear Allison,
I am so sorry to hear about the death of your young nephew. When I first read this book (just a few weeks ago!), I knew that it could touch so many hearts, especially of the mothers that I know (myself included). I agree with your comments about it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I pray that your Advent and Christmas and entire year will be blessed and will reveal the love of Christ in your life, especially in the hard places.