“It’s like a sermon, counseling, and teaching all in one…so great!!”
-Rachelle D.
Are you a leader of any sort in the Charlotte Mason world of education? If so, you might be interested in my upcoming class, Grace for Grace, Season 6, Living Education Lessons. We will take a deep dive into the book of John (chapters 1-7) and CM’s Scale How Meditations, applying what we learn specifically to our role as leaders, teachers, and parents. Registration is now open – just click on the button above!
Our text will be Scale How Meditations and John chapters 1-7. I think in this book you will learn the foundation and heart of Mason’s philosophy and I have found it to be helpful in understanding how to lead and teach others, not to mention how it has shaped me!
Charlotte Mason tells us about certain characteristics needed for teachers. Simplicity, humility, and courage will be examined in this class, as well as who she points to as examples. How to mentor others, strategies to solve issues, and examples of different styles of book discussions and co-ops will also be addressed. This is a group mentoring experience so the class will be limited to 25 attendees. You don’t need to have taken a previous Season as each Season can stand alone.
Read what Amy said about her experience with Living Education Lessons –
“Having participated in three (so far!) of Nancy’s LEL Seasons, I can tell you that they are a unique treasure. As a busy, homeschooling mother of four, these classes were soul food for me, week after week. There’s something so life-giving about intentionally setting aside time to read and reflect, with the anticipation of sharing your ideas and questions with others. These LEL Seasons kept me in a constant rhythm of doing just that.
Each time I “attended class” (i.e. brewed myself a cup of tea and logged in on my computer – amazing!), I knew I would come away feeling full. Our classes included book recommendations from Nancy, sharing our Commonplace entries, going deep into Mason’s volumes through our shared reading, a thought-provoking lesson (taught by Nancy), as well as discussion and time for questions. For me, it was like a mini retreat that I was able to attend every week.
Coming together with other Mason educators from all over the country (actually seeing each other’s faces on the screen and engaging in conversation) was such an encouragement. Through sharing ideas, questions, and even struggles, I felt an overwhelming sense of being connected with a larger community. As a homeschooling mom, that connectedness to other like-minded people is something I’ve come to place tremendous value on. It’s no small thing.
Living Education Lessons have challenged me to apply Mason in my home (and in my life) in new and deeper ways. Though I’m not sure I can articulate all of the reasons, they’ve caused me to internalize Mason’s ideas in a different way than I ever have at a conference or a book study. These classes are truly unique, and I’m so thankful that Nancy is offering them to the Mason Community.”
Pray and see if this class might be beneficial to you this spring in your CM journey!
For more information about Living Education Lessons, see my LEL page.
Your thoughts?