I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Please indulge me this one last post about the LER, or rather, about after the LER. Enjoy the slide show.
Nancy Kelly -Guidance for Your Charlotte Mason Homeschool and Life
in Conferences
“Miss Mason looked on education as something between the child’s soul and God. Modern education tends to look on it as something between the child’s brain and the examination board. I think that covers the issues at stake; it is part of the whole modern policy of quick returns, of the substitution of immediate and temporary values for ultimate and absolute ones.” – Monk Gibbon
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oh yes. thanks for the pictures katie! it really was a beautiful morning… a very wonderful treat so as not to go into withdrawals immediately after the retreat… I enjoyed myself thoroughly.
I love you all immensely.
amy (normally) in peru
Sunday morning really was like the froth on top of a delicious caffe latte for me and my sister! The hospitality was over.the.top. and we left feeling our hearts had been knitted together with all those precious ones there.
Thank you Kelly family.
Gorgeous music and it made me long to have been there! Must have been cool sitting outside. We only do that around water down here in the South.
You blessed me!
It was a special time. I was blessed to have been a part of it.
The music, the photos, nicely done Katie.
Great job, Katie. What a precious time in every way. Now we can revisit it any time!