Charlotte Mason once said,
“ All other bodies of workers, whether of hand or brain, enjoy the help and profit of association; commonly, of cooperation. Thus the wisdom, the experience, the information of each is made profitable for all; enthusiasm is generated by the union of many for the advance of a cause, and every member is cheered by the sympathy of his fellow workers.”
— Charlotte Mason, “A Draft Proof” pamphlet, 1888
Wisdom, experience, information, and sympathy are all things one experiences at the Living Education Retreat and this year will continue that tradition. Science, advanced math, recitation, meditation, and mother culture will all be explored in addition to many other topics. Did I mention metallurgy? (It’s true!)

For 15 years we have chosen a wide variety of speakers for you to experience the gamut of Charlotte Mason’s wisdom. We also make sure there is plenty of down time for you to take a nap if you want to.
We opened registration on February 1st and in about a week had filled up Buffalo Ridge Resort. Sort of. The campsite is full! The hotel is full! The bunkhouse is full! But this interesting lodging configuration (more people camping than ever before) has revealed that after the administrative dust has settled, we have room for 7 more women in the Family Suite. So, our crowd this year will be slightly larger and will give opportunity for those who simply couldn’t commit THE SECOND THE FLYER WENT OUT to join us after all. Does that mean you? Pray about joining us for an unforgettable, restorative weekend. Here is the link to the 2-page flyer and registration. Join us July 23-25, 2020 out on the prairie in Gary, South Dakota.

Your thoughts?